Art; Cultural & Public Diplomacy
A Greater Role for Cultural Diplomacy
Rethinking Cultural Diplomacy: The Cultural Diplomacy of New Zealand, the Canadian Federation and Quebec
Thesis Abstract: A Comparative Study of the Cultural Diplomacy of Canada, New Zealand and India
New Zealand’s public diplomacy in the Pacific: a reset, or more of the same? Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 18, pages 105–112 (2022)
Language of Friendship
The Language of Friendship in International Treaties
Other Essays
A Pacific pavilion at the Venice Biennale. Article in Art News New Zealand, Autumn 2017
What a Difference a Plan Makes
Assessing the economic value of New Zealand design (with Professors Anna Brown and Margaret Petty). Journal of Design, Business & Society, Volume 6, Number 1, 1 March 2020, pp. 7-20(14)